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Becoming a Member

Vernon Historical Society (CT)

If you didn't receive a membership renewal envelope, or you want to become a member, or you just want information, click on link below to send an e-mail.
Include your full name, address, e-mail address, & telephone number (if we have any questions).
Be sure to include your request or questions.

Send request with full name, address, e-mail address and telephone number

When you join, you help the Society to continue growing. This growth allows us to accomplish our goal of promoting the preservation of the history of our town.

Who Can Join?

We invite anyone interested in helping the Vernon Historical Society preserve the history of the Town of Vernon and City of Rockville to join today

How Do I Join?

Membership levels and dues:

Member (M) - $15.00
Contributor (CO) - $25.00
Business (BU) - $25.00
Supporter (SU) - $50.00
Sponsor (SP) - $100.00
Senior/Student (SS) - $10.00 (Senior 65/Full time student)

To join just send a completed application and dues payment. Please contact us for more information and an application.

Membership Application

Benefits of Joining

1. You will receive our quarterly Newsletter. This newsletter contains articles and information about Vernon and Historic Rockville.
2. As a member you are entitled to discounts on books and other items available from the Society.
3. Members may also borrow many of the books and pamphlets in the Society's library.

Vernon Historical Society
P.O. Box 2055
Vernon, CT 06066