Can you donate one of the following to the Society?
1.We are looking for photographs and any information on both the Fox Hill Memorial Tower and the Lucina
Chapel in the Grove Hill Cemetery. NEW
2. In conjunction with
the above request we are seeking information on Walter B. Chambers, the New York City architect of the above
structures and others in Rockville. NEW
3. A World War II WAAC or WAC
uniform. We would like to be able to display the woman's uniform with the man's uniform we have in the collection.
Your time. Please contact the Museum if you can volunteer some time during the year. See the Newsletter for more information.
Volunteers are particularly needed for the "Holiday Craft Fair & Sale" and the "Annual Book Sale". Just a few hours from
you would be very helpful.
If you have questions about donating or volunteering, call the Museum at 860-875-4326 or click on "Contact Us" above,
and send a message to us. We will get right back to you. Thank you for your interest in the Vernon Historical Society