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Vernon Historical Society (CT)

Publications Available from the Vernon Historical Society

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Building the Loom City: Rockville Connecticut, 1821-1908

by Dr. S. Ardis Abbott                                                 $15.00

            To trace the evolution of a small Connecticut mill village into a leading center for manufacture of woolen cloth, Dr. Abbott blended census data, newspaper articles, personal accounts and other primary sources with explanations of wool textile production techniques. Dr. Abbott’s book chronicles the growth of the industry, the contribution of significant individuals, and the nature of the society that evolved in Rockville. Her book has filled a need in our community for a work on local history that helps our citizens to understand and appreciate our town’s past.



History of Rockville from 1823 to 1871

by William T. Cogswell                                               $10.00

            In 1872, William Cogswell published his memoir of early Rockville in the Rockville Journal. Looking back fifty years to the building of the first mill, Cogswell described the growth of the village as woods gave way to mills, stores, and homes. The reprinted text of Cogswell’s original history is supplemented with short biographical sketches of early Rockville citizens, maps of described areas, and definitions of manufacturing processes and of words of the times. The materials has been researched by Dr. S. Ardis Abbott, the municipal historian and Jean Luddy, librarian. In addition, historic photos of Rockville, along with photographs of Cogswell houses, are included in the book.


Vernon and Historic Rockville

by Dr. S. Ardis Abbott and Jean A. Luddy                   $18.99

            Photographs from the collection of the Vernon Historical Society capture the evolution of a diverse urban center from its rural beginnings. The images with text chronicle the transformation of Vernon and its three village centers from the early 19th century to the mid 20th century. Highlights include the development of community life in Rockville as it became an economic and social center for the area.


Vernon-Rockville in the Twentieth Century                                                       

by Dr. S. Ardis Abbott and Jean A. Luddy                   $19.99

            At the close of the 19th century, Vernon was a rural town of diversified farms while Rockville was a booming textile production center. A century later, Vernon had evolved into a suburban community for the Hartford area and the textile industry was long gone from Rockville. Previously unpublished pictures and text reveal the impact of modern inventions and lifestyles on Vernon and Rockville. Highlights include images of rural Vernon, Rockville before and after urban renewal and the consolidation of rural and urban parts of town into a unified community.


These titles can be purchased at Crystal Blueprint, 21-23 West Main Street, Vernon, CT or at the Vernon Historical Society’s Museum at 734 Hartford Turnpike (Route 30) Vernon. For further information, please call the Society at (860) 875-4326.

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